Churchill ~ 1969

Listen to the story as you follow along …   With a beautiful hippie wife and two little flower children we took the Muskeg Special, a train full of stories, to Churchill, Manitoba in the fall of 1969.  It was the quintessential late sixties adventure.   A...

Elders, An Old Story

Listen to the story as you read along … An old story goes that a young man tentively knocked on the door of the beloved American poet Robert Frost.  The great man invited him in and poured him a cup of tea.  After more formal introductions, Robert...

Seed Potatoes

Seed potatoes … lessons in gratitude Listen the the story as you read along … They would spend the winter in my grandparent’s root cellar and in my parent’s dirt floor basement.  They were the fall harvest of potatoes. You could always find two...

Pandemic Lessons

Listen to the story as you read along … I used to be a teacher, a principal and even a superintendent in the world of education.  For a portion of my career, my work was with First Nations communities.  I still feel that my developmental work with over...