by chartz_2j82lc | Jul 1, 2017 | The Practice Collection
Listen for the canary … Deep in the coalmines of yesterday, the miners would carry a canary in a cage. The ecosystem in a coal mine could become toxic at any time and a canary that stopped singing was essentially a music artist that was telling you that your...
by chartz_2j82lc | Jun 1, 2017 | The Practice Collection
We are starting to understand that change in organizations can come in many sizes, speeds and shapes.The first is that slow, incremental change in some process, policy or product that comes with an understanding that what we are doing here is actually working very...
by chartz_2j82lc | May 1, 2017 | The Practice Collection
As we continue to study the fine arts and practices of leadership, engagement and systems thinking, we know that a really great story often helps us in our understanding of sometimes difficult and complex ideas. This April of 2017, we in Canada returned to a founding...
by chartz_2j82lc | Apr 1, 2017 | The Practice Collection
I grew up in a culture where competition was considered to be the perfect cultural crucible for both the development of high quality products and the eventual material and market success of such. Success in the marketplace required a disciplined, focused and highly...
by chartz_2j82lc | Mar 1, 2017 | The Practice Collection
A question I like to ask in my storytelling seminars asks, is it possible to change a big narrative…a big story.” Can we change a story that many of us have accepted as “the way it is” for a long time? I give the example of a talk I gave in Toronto a few years ago now...
by chartz_2j82lc | Feb 1, 2017 | The Practice Collection
Recently our local city council had an epiphany. For readers not familiar with my city, Calgary Alberta, we have, what is considered a very thoughtful and progressive city council led by a gentleman who has been described, by vote, as the best mayor in the world in...